Going Private...

Want to know the new, exciting news we have to share? Leave your email in the comments for an invite to our private blog!! temporaryhome4kids.blogspot.com Or email me at temporaryhome4kids@gmail.com. Friends, and friends of friends of friends welcome!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

It's Still Rock'N'Roll to Me...

We got lucky again with free concert tickets! My mom's boss wasn't able to use his tickets to see Billy Joel last night, so he gave them to my mom and told her to take the kids and have fun! So we did!! What an amazing concert! I loved that there was no set play list, he would just play whatever the audience yelled out. At first we thought the seats could have been better, because all we could see was the back of his head. A couple of songs later, the piano turned and we had great seats! Thanks Bert!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

My Guitar Heros...

Even though we had Guitar Hero III for the PS3 on our Christmas list, we couldn't wait, sorry mom! We almost bought it the day it came out, but were able to hold off until now. It's a good thing we have the DVR to record our shows, because I can see this game becoming slightly addicting!! We called Justin's younger brother, Josh, to let him know we bought it, and the first thing he said was "Really?? Can I come over??" Minutes later, he was at our front door!! Rock on!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Garage Cleaning...

We finally did it. After having to get up early for a couple weeks now to start the car and defrost the windows, we finally cleaned out the garage. I have to admit in the four years we've lived in our house, we've only parked in the garage a handful of times, and I'm not sure we've ever parked both cars in the garage, EVER. I couldn't wait to share our accomplishment, so I called Jacque. She was so impressed, and surprised I'm sure, she came over to check it out as soon as Katie Jo got up from her nap. Jacque took pictures, but forgot to email them to me before she left for the week...so pictures to come!

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Since we don't have our own kids I can't stop taking pictures of our nieces and nephews. Tuesday Julie brought her four kids, Sarah, Emma, Timothy, and Alex over to trick-or-treat us because they weren't sure they would make it over on Halloween.
Sarah wouldn't smile, she'd been sick all week and didn't feel good.

Maddie came over on Halloween to see us. She loved playing in the bucket of play-doh while she waited for Uncle Justin to get home so he could see her in her bunny costume. I'm a little disappointed in myself that I didn't get a picture of her with her little ears on!

I'm not sure where this face came from. I don't even remember her making this face, I couldn't stop laughing when I found it on the camera! That's my Maddie!!