Going Private...

Want to know the new, exciting news we have to share? Leave your email in the comments for an invite to our private blog!! temporaryhome4kids.blogspot.com Or email me at temporaryhome4kids@gmail.com. Friends, and friends of friends of friends welcome!

Friday, April 24, 2009


The newest additions to the Law house...
Bruce & Lenny
And this is what happens after work:
Justin & Michael

New Hair Cut...

It was time for a change....and when Jacque told me that Kate (4 years old) says she "looks like Jamie" when her hair is in a pony tail...it sealed the deal!

Ignore the fact that the picture is mid-blink....Justin only took one!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Productive Saturday...

I was up this morning at 645am...I know, completely unheard of right? Jacque's college room mate, Whitney, had a team for the MS walk this morning so mom, Faith and I joined her for a 3 mile walk through the new African Plains exhibit at Zoo Boise and Julia Davis Park. Yes, we made 4 year old Kate ride in a stroller...she walks r.e.a.l.l.y. slow.
Faith & Kate checking out the Lyon
After the MS walk mom stayed to help me weed my flower beds while Faith slept soundly in her car seat. When we were done we woke her up and introduced her to the trampoline.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt...

I was so excited to get Easter off work because this was Faith's first Easter that she could hunt for eggs and she caught on quick!

Grandma Geri always hides plastic eggs that each have $1 in them. The boys didn't know this but Tim and I were about ready to hunt for eggs ourselves! I'm not sure how, but I didn't end up with any good pictures of Kaden looking for Easter eggs. But to his credit he ended up with the most plastic eggs taking home $9! Great job Kaden!!

Bubble Blowing...

Last year the fun Easter activity was jump roping. This year was bubbles. Faith almost has the hang of it!

Mason thought the big bubbles were pretty cool

Random Easter Fun...

This year Grandma Geri hosted the Easter celebration with more food than we needed and fun with the family. Now that I've waited a week to blog, I can't really think of much to say...so enjoy!
Faith loves her little bike and her mardi gras beads!
How can you resist taking pictures of this cute girl!
Alberto couldn't resist showing Kaden how to 'transform' his transformer!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Coming Soon...

Yes I am well aware it's been two weeks since I posted...Easter pictures will be up soon...I promise! :)