Going Private...

Want to know the new, exciting news we have to share? Leave your email in the comments for an invite to our private blog!! temporaryhome4kids.blogspot.com Or email me at temporaryhome4kids@gmail.com. Friends, and friends of friends of friends welcome!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Leaving Comments...Fixed...

Okay...I fixed my settings so you can leave a comment without having to sign in (this is for you Dad!!) Just click on Comments, write your comment, and click on Name/URL...Just put in your name and leave URL blank! Ta-Dah!! Happy Posting!!


Anonymous said...

A big thanks to Justin and Jamie. This blog is such a great way to see pics and updates about the kids and people we all love so much. Justin and Jamie, you fill our hearts! Thanks for being you. Love Always, your big bro.

Anonymous said...

Jamie and Justin- JD said it all- you guys are awesome!!! Love, Mom