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Saturday, February 28, 2009


Any of you who know me well probably know I was not super excited that our newest placement was not one but TWO girls. I don't do girls very well, I think they're whiny and full of drama. Don't get me wrong, we were completely cool with taking them, maybe just a bit apprehensive because, well, we're just better with boys. I have a VERY low tolerance for whining and crying when it's not necessary (which is anytime you're not bleeding!) that's why I like boys, they're tough and can take just about anything. After spending two days with the girls so far I have to give myself a HUGE pat-on-the-back for not going crazy over the whining.

Our oldest {D} is a whiner through and through...she whines about everything...and I mean everything...if she wants ketchup for her fries she doesn't ask for ketchup, she whines for ketchup! We've slowly, over the last two days, shut down a little bit of the whining, in other words, she doesn't get what she asks for if she's whining, she has to ask like a "big girl." {M}, our younger one, is great...the complete opposite of her sister. She's so agreeable. If you ask her to do ANYTHING she just says "okay" and away she goes. And (a huge plus in my book) only cries when she's going to bed, and for less than 5 minutes, and she cries when she wakes up, but stops immediately once she's found me!!

Bedtime hasn't been nearly as easy with these guys as it was with the boys. The process is the same, but {D} cries for 10-20 minutes and has to get out of bed four times to go potty...and in my opinion you can't tell a 4-year-old she can't go potty or you're asking for an accident. So it's straight to the potty and straight back to bed. I'm hoping the number of times she gets up during the night will decrease with each day!

Sorry for the really lame post with no pictures...I'm staying with my mom while Justin and Michael are in Jackpot and didn't bring my camera, or my card reader, so I'll have to wait for my mom to send me pictures.


Brent and Janeen Carver said...

hahaha ahhh jame!!! Sounds like things are going pretty good! and umm your comment about babysitting...i would love to but don't i have to be certified in some way or something...aka mom..so technically you want mom to babysit?? :)

Unknown said...

Congrats...I think?! There is no doubt, a girl brings more drama than any boy would ever think! Hallie fits "D" to a T. Everything is asked for by a whiney voice and it drives me up the wall. And yes, bedtime routine is a beast as well. I'm hoping they grow out of it, at least by age 12. Is that too much to ask? Good luck, let me know if you have any questions, we're going through the same stage right now!

Brent and Janeen Carver said...

oh and why would you go snowboarding when you can spend time with me :(?

Mrs. Romriell said...

You guys are so neat and wow girls...I guess asking my parents for some pointers would be great.