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Sunday, February 22, 2009


Saturday night we went snowboarding for the first time EVER! Our friend Michael agreed to teach us and we invited Jennetta, Jared & Jacque along to laugh at us. Josh went up earlier in the day and stayed to ride once with Netta before he left. We spent most of our time on our first run on our rears. Originally I thought Michael could teach us both pretty easily...it wasn't until after we got off the chair lift that I realized it was more of a one-on-one job. So Michael and I ditched Justin and headed down the run (really we thought he was right behind us, but we didn't know Netta and Josh had left him too). Jared and Jacque helped Justin get started. Jacque took a couple of pictures on the first run with her phone.

Michael & Me

Jared & Justin
After the first run Justin's ankles were hurting and he took a break while Michael and I tried again. I did MUCH better on the second run, and then we headed to the lodge to find Justin and have some fries and a soda.
Justin, Netta & Jacque

Jared & Michael
Jacque & Jared
We did one more run after our break. I went with Jacque and Justin went with Michael. Then we let Michael, Jared, Jacque & Netta go down something other than the bunny hill while we headed to the car!!

Michael getting our boards ready for the drive home
and per your request...a picture of Justin & me.
After we got done we went to Merritt's (one of Boise's best dives) for scones, burgers, and milkshakes...Yummm...Can't beat that. And today, well I'm dieing...Michael was right.


Amy said...

Fun fun fun with a big sore bum!!!

Julz said...

Looked like you guys had fun. I should be a better wife and go with Andrew, he wants to go so bad, but I A. Hate to snowboard or ski, and B. am terrified of the lifts. Maybe one day I will suck up my fears and take my honey Boarding,or if im lucky he will forget all about that he wants to go. HMM not likley.Can't wait for the spring.