Going Private...

Want to know the new, exciting news we have to share? Leave your email in the comments for an invite to our private blog!! temporaryhome4kids.blogspot.com Or email me at temporaryhome4kids@gmail.com. Friends, and friends of friends of friends welcome!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Three Little Pigs...

Justin and his dad decided to buy pigs during the basement flood. They said we would buy pigs after we got home from camping, so here we are, the day after camping, the pig pen is complete. Meet Dixie, Daisy, and Dori. Dixie belongs to JD & Amy, Daisy is ours and Janeen named Pa's Pig Dori. I don't know the difference between Dixie and Dori, but Daisy is in the middle.

This is either Dixie or Dori

Friday, June 20, 2008

Law Family Campout 2008...

Every year the Law family gets together for a week of camping and fishing. This year we went to Red Fish Lake. Usually we camp in a mix of trailers and tents, this year, I didn't want to tent camp again, so we went together with Amy and JD and rented a cabin. We didn't realize until the last day that we hadn't taken any pictures of the cabin. oops. Needless to say this was the most comfortable camping trip I have EVER been on!! There is nothing like a shower every morning and a comfortable bed!! It's so much fun to have the family all together. Here are some pictures and highlights of our trip!

The view of the Sawtooth mountains was beautiful.

Hanging around camp means fun, food, four wheelers, and fire.
Monday night Julie planned a FHE lesson for us...aimed at the kids. Alex, Teagen and Sarah were our music leaders.
Timmy and Grandpa
Teagen and Jesse
Braden and Justin

Ma and Pa

Netta and Sarah

Josh and Teagen

Braden, JD and Maddie

Netta and Timmy

Teagen and Josh
JD and Maddie

Braden's Camo Hat

Teagen loves the four wheelers


The kids loved hanging out at the water.

Sarah cleaning off her feet

The boys out fishing. The only person who caught a fish was Alex.
Brent and Josh
Jamie, Sarah, and Emma walking back from the beach.
Timmy and Maddie

Ron, Emma, Julie and Timmy on the paddle boat
Hanging out at the cabin.


Emma, Alex, and Sarah were going to sleep in our cabin the last night after everyone else went home, but Sarah wanted to go back to her camper with mom and dad about 10p. She said "Justin, I like Mommy and Daddy best!"
We tried watching a movie to get them to fall asleep and make Sarah forget about mom and dad, but it didn't work.

June Birthdays
We had a little birthday party for the June birthdays. Teagen, Sarah, and Emma.


Sarah wanted Dora Mermaid more than anything.


Teagen gave Sarah a hug to thank her for his birthday present.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


I seem to have created some confusion. Up until now, the only people looking at our blog have been close family and friends who know we don't have any kids. Recently, I signed up for Facebook and have came in contact with old friends, while I'm really excited about that, I've had a couple of comments on my "beautiful daughter." For the record...None of the kids featured on our blog belong to us, we just love them all so much that I can't stop taking pictures of them!! I have to agree with everyone else though that Faith is beautiful, I'll make sure to pass that on to my brother Tim and his wife, Jen. So, until you see the ticker on the side bar counting down the pregnancy...We do not have kids!! Don't stop the comments though...we love to hear how cute our nieces and nephews are!!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Thumb Sucker...

Faith Marie loves her pacifier and has discovered her thumb works to soothe her as well. I couldn't resist taking pictures of her Friday sucking away!

Hanging out at Grandma and Grandpa's House...

I took these pictures last week during the 'disaster cleanup' at Justin's parents house of the kids playing outside. For those of you who haven't heard of the 'disaster cleanup project' going on at the laws, a couple of weeks ago with the heavy rain the basement flooded. Everyone has been working since last Wednesday (the 28th) ripping up carpet, painting walls, and sealing floors to get ready for the carpet guys who came Thursday to lay carpet. I wasn't allowed to take pictures of the before because Justin's mom was afraid I'd blog it (and of course I would have)...but I think she's regretting it now that it's done.

Timmy talking to Jennetta through the screen in the window while she works!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Calm After the Storm...

DeVonna and I were driving home last night after work and there were two really cool rainbows right on top of each other. If I had been paying more attention I would have stopped somewhere where there weren't any power lines in the way...oh well, you can still see the rainbows.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Kaden's 5th Birthday...

Kaden's 5th Birthday was Friday, May 30th so the family all got together Saturday for a birthday party.

The door came off of his truck and it was so funny to watch him concentrate on getting it back on.
Mom and Faith
Tim and Kaden
Grandma Geri with Faith

Kaden had tons of presents and Mason a hard time letting Kaden open them by himself...Have patience Mason, your turn is next week.
Mason did get a little bag of goodies that included a water gun he got in trouble for shooting people and was told to go water the garden.

Tim and Faith