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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Western Idaho Fair...

Thursday night, after being trapped in the house all week with Vertigo, we decided to brave an outing. With my prescription in hand we set out. Our date night found us at the Western Idaho Fair. There is nothing better than fair food, but I'm sure I already talked about that when I posted about the Payette County Fair. :) We spent the evening walking through the animals and vendors, with our last stop being an Onion Blossom and Swirly Fries. I had decided since it was just us going, no nieces or nephews, I didn't need to bring the camera, but now wished I would have because they had a 1,000 pound pig. Of course to see the pig you had to pay 50 cents, which we willingly did. Justin got a picture on his camera, but I don't have the patience to get that on here.
I will post a couple pics of the pig, since Jamie doesn't have the patience. After all, the blog is for everyone else......not us. Before I post the pics, I must describe the enjoyment of trying to get the whole pig in the picture.
I stepped back 3 steps from the pig pen, and reached my arms up as far as I could. Unsure if I would even get the pig in the picture.
I took multiple pics with the pig cut off one way or another. Some were also blurry because I must have moved. Who would think that with arms stretched fully above your head, taking pics with a phone camera, the photgrapher would move????
Oh well...you get what you get!

Can you see the tusk coming out of his mouth?

Here is one with Jamie!!


Anonymous said...

put the pig on here...please