Today started off with one seemingly easy task...hook the TV up to the antenna...sounds easy enough right? Well, not so much! We turned our cable off a few months ago and hadn't gotten around to hooking up the antenna to the TV (yes, that means no TV for months!!! Hard for you to believe I lived through that,I know!). So we decided we should hook the TV up so we could watch the BSU game tonight. Michael was volunteered to put on his coveralls and crawl under the house (Thanks Michael!) They found the right cable at the crawl space for the TV, then the search was on for the antenna cable. After a trip to Radio Shack the right cable was constructed and we had all of the channels except the one showing the game...PERFECT! So Michael climbed up above the garage to adjust the antenna...with no improvement on channel 7. After a second trip to Radio Shack to purchase some "retro" rabbit ears we were successful in recieiving channel 7! Of course, now the rest of the channels aren't clear but that's a task for another day! Thanks Jacque and kiddos for coming over to enjoy the game with us. Now off to Merritt's for a scone and milkshakes!! :)
3 years ago