Going Private...

Want to know the new, exciting news we have to share? Leave your email in the comments for an invite to our private blog!! temporaryhome4kids.blogspot.com Or email me at temporaryhome4kids@gmail.com. Friends, and friends of friends of friends welcome!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Check This Out...

A friend of mine, whom I admire so much, just started this amazing website. If you do or ever have struggled with being healthy you need to check it out..you'll thank me for it later! Click on the picture above, or the badge on the side bar. She posts most often under "confessions."


Mrs. Romriell said...

This is awesome, thanks! We miss your guys' faces! We are heading to idaho this weekend to see Gen and Brett and all tha family...are you guys free? So sorry its last minute. Know we love you!!! We also want to ask questions about being foster parents.