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Friday, February 29, 2008

Neen's Birthday...

While I was uploading pictures, I just realized, it was Janeen's birthday, and I didn't get any pictures of her. Sorry Neen!! Jesse and Jori came over from Idaho Falls for the weekend to see Braden and the rest of the family, so Saturday night was a busy night at Ma and Pa's.
Maddie loves her pizza. She goes crazy!!
I couldn't resist the shot of Sarah taking Teagan by the hand and leading him into the other room.
Timothy is ALWAYS smiling!
For some reason the jump rope was the greatest toy that night!

Amy and Maddie...You can definitely tell who Maddie belongs to!
Ma broke out the birthday headbands, they were very popular with all of the kids.
Teagan climbed into the toy box to play.
I couldn't resist "Mad Maddie"
Emma is such a goofball.