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Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Productive Saturday...

I was up this morning at 645am...I know, completely unheard of right? Jacque's college room mate, Whitney, had a team for the MS walk this morning so mom, Faith and I joined her for a 3 mile walk through the new African Plains exhibit at Zoo Boise and Julia Davis Park. Yes, we made 4 year old Kate ride in a stroller...she walks r.e.a.l.l.y. slow.
Faith & Kate checking out the Lyon
After the MS walk mom stayed to help me weed my flower beds while Faith slept soundly in her car seat. When we were done we woke her up and introduced her to the trampoline.


Patty said...

Jamie, I can't believe it.. another post. Love It!! Looks like you all had a great time. And about the four year old in the stroller... good idea. Much better than rushing her through the zoo. See you soon. :-)

Patty said...

AND... I love that last little picture of Faith with her little chubby arms and hands. She is having so much fun you can see it in her face. :-)

Anna Beal said...

I do not blame you for putting her in a stroller. I would do the same thing. :)