We get mail at both our PO Box and our house...every once in a while we get a little behind at picking up the mail at the PO Box. Justin went last week and picked up the mail, and by some of the dates, he decided it had been almost a month since we've been to get our mail. Since we do all of our bills and stuff online, we don't usually wait for the statements. He went the next day and we had no mail. A day after that no mail, and he noticed there was something in the back of our box that looked like it was stopping them from giving us mail. Of course his thought was that we'd been locked out. So he called the post office on Wednesday, we weren't locked out, but because we had so much mail, they were holding it in the back in a box, and they quite putting it in our PO Box to get us to come in and get it...If you ever wondered what a month of mail looks like...here it is!
3 years ago
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