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Thursday, January 22, 2009

And as Quick as They Came, They Went...

The boys' parents had their shelter care hearing today and the judge decided they could go back home. So Justin had an hour to get all their stuff together and let them know, and since I was already at work I had to tell the boys good-bye over the phone, which was a lot harder than I thought it would be, especially telling {B} good-bye since he was starting to cry.
I don't think we could have asked for better kids for our first placement. They had their share of time-outs and a couple of tantrums, but all-in-all they were great. They caught on to the house rules pretty quick and were getting much better about good words versus bad words.
We will definitely miss them.

Our official foster care stats:

Kids: 2
Length of Stay: 7 days


Brent and Janeen Carver said...

ohh jame...you guys were so good for them. i'm sure because of you they will always know that foster care is a good thing!. I'm so glad that we were able to meet them! some really neet kids out there! I can't wait to meet the next ones!..Love you sister!

Anonymous said...

I bet Justin is in need of some Hunter Brownies. I will see what I can do.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you Jamie! Miss you and our chats at work!!! Heather Lair