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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Our First Placement...

Around 230p today we got our first call from Health and Welfare that they had kids who needed us! Justin's heart was beating out of his chest as the social worker was giving him the details. Then I get a text and simultaneous email at work that only says...Call Me...hmm...now my hearts going crazy! I called Justin and I didn't believe him at first, I should have know he wouldn't mess with me on something this important!! I went back to my desk and had to tell everyone and my wonderful STL Katie told me to get out of there so I could go with Justin to pick them up. Oh...I guess you're probably wondering how old they are and stuff. We got two boys...brothers {J} is 6 years old and {B} is 5 years old. *For their privacy and safety, I won't be posting their names* So far they've been great. We haven't had any tantrums or cries for mom or dad. This is their first time in foster care and they've both had really positive comments about foster care being a lot of fun. Bedtime was a breeze...but I'm not holding my breath that things will continue without a hitch!


Dannenbergs said...

Congratulations! Sounds like you will busy, but will be having a blast!

Nana Chevy said...

Oh Hunnae...I'm so excited for you. Tell the boys that Auntie Chevy sends her love.

Jamie said...

That's great....I know you guys will be just what they need!! Hope everything keeps going great for you!

Brent and Janeen Carver said...

I'm so excited to meet them!!!!...Can't wait to see you sis!..

Anna Beal said...

Congrats! They will just love you two! My kids aren't that age, so I don't know the challenge first hand, but at least you get them at an age where all they want is love and someone to play with. Good luck!

Amanda said...

I'm so excited!!!!!!! Congrats!

Mrs. Romriell said...

That is so great!! You guys are going to be wonderful!!! We are so excited for the two...four of you!!!

Eileen & Robert Mickelsen Family said...

Congrats Justin and Jaime! These boys will be such great blessings in your life. Enjoy the early days of parenting!
Love ya
Robert & Eileen

Krystal said...

Congrats guys. You will do great and they will keep you sooo busy.