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Friday, January 16, 2009

{J} and {B}...

Before we get started...I'm sure this post jumps around from one topic to another, never fully addressing anything specific...so read on at your own risk.
Okay...I've had several requests for some pictures so here are the only two have uploaded so far...I'm sure I'll get more as the week goes on. {J} is the taller one on the left (closest to Justin) and {B} is shorter-and younger-with lighter hair. My mom took the first one Thursday night right before we left her house.
Coloring on Friday...

We don't know yet how long we'll have the boys, we should know more after Tuesday. So far they have not been too bad. It's amazing to me the little things that our nieces and nephews and friends kids just know that we're having to work on. We noticed the first night when we had dinner at my mom's house that they didn't know how to sit still at the table, they were up and running around the kitchen between bites, so that's something we've had to work on at every meal. Luckily bedtime has still been easy...and they sleep in until at least 845, which for me is GREAT!

Church was a bit of a struggle today because I'm not sure they've EVER sat still for that long. We went with them to Primary, both to Sharing Time and to their class. We stuck them both in the CTR 6 class because Jared and Jacque are the teachers. Next week I think we will have them go to class by themselves, because I think we may have been a distraction.

I have to say...they wear me out! I'm getting more sleep now that I was before they came, but I'm tired! I totally feel for all you mom's out there!! Oh..and another thing...I've never been so happy to go to work! I've had so much fun with the boys...but man I have never been more grateful for adult conversation and to be surrounded by adults!! With that in mind I was still pretty excited to go home last night and check on them and tuck them back into their beds!


Mrs. Romriell said...

That is so neat!!! They look so adorable. I'm sure that they are learning a lot from you two!! Thanks for the pic!